Lid Surgery

Blepharoplasty (Greek: blepharon, "eyelid" + plassein "to form") is the plastic surgery operation for correcting defects, deformities, and disfigurations of the eyelids; and for aesthetically modifying the eye region of the face.

Ptosis repair
Involutional ptosis is corrected by tightening the levator muscle. The function of the levator muscle is to raise the eyelid. Ptosis repair is performed through an incision in the normal crease in the upper lid. Before. After upper lidptosis repair and blepharoplasty.

Eyelid tumors and growths
The most common type of eyelid cancer is basal cell carcinoma. Most basal cell carcinomas can be removed with surgery. If left untreated, these tumors can grow around the eye and into the orbit, sinuses and brain. Other eyelid cancers include squamous cell carcinoma, sebaceous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma.

Ectropion repair
Ectropion and entropion are common maladies of the eyelid margin that can directly affect ocular function and patient comfort; surgical repair is commonly performed. Ectropion (out-turning of the eyelid) can present with keratoconjunctivopathy, infection, and dermatitis, among other signs and symptoms.

Entropion repair
Entropion can usually be diagnosed with a routine eye exam and physical.Â
If your entropion is caused by scar tissue, previous surgery or other conditions, your doctor will examine the surrounding tissue as well.

Tear duct surgery for both newborn and adult
Treatment of Tear System Blockage. When the nasolacrimal duct, the tube which drains tears into the nose, is blocked a surgical procedure is usually required. During this procedure, called a DCR (Dacryocystorhinostomy), a hole is created between thetear sac and the inside of the nose.